Monday, February 24, 2020

Historical Analysis of English Language from 1821-1916 Research Paper

Historical Analysis of English Language from 1821-1916 - Research Paper Example The immigrant groups like Dutch, French and Germans settled in various parts of the nation. However, in these racial enclaves, we find that the conducting of church services was done in the community’s native language and church-affiliated and private schools used the native languages of the children as the major teaching medium (James 126). Additionally, some of the schools did not teach English language as a first language but as a second language; whereas some others used the English language as a second medium of teaching. For the purposes of appealing to the minority communities or groups, bilingual programs were also started by some public schools. The manner in which the language minority groups and languages were treated in a liberal way went on until the First World War. The focus of high school English in American schools is on basic literary, the appropriate language use for public and personal reasons, as well as the development of a gratitude for and appreciation for different kinds of literature. Every year in the English curriculum, we find that the purpose of the study plan is meant to focus on building on the skills learned previously whereas expanding the exposure of the student to the literature’s realm. The National Council of Teachers has in fact described twelve standards that must be taught in the causes of English Language Arts (Ravitch 172). ... this in consideration, below is a sample of example of the courses that an ideal English curriculum study plan in the American high schools may consist of every year of the learning course (Scarvia 47). Year 1 English one This is the introductory for the English in high school. Here students are taught the basics of the process of writing which include the constructions of thesis statements together with the writing of essays. The process also includes the study of vocabulary and grammar (Parkerson & Parkerson 122). In literature terms, students mainly closely look at the style of every author, plot and theme. Eventually students are taught about and practice public speaking and practice research skills. Year 2 English two English two continues with the building on the fundamental principles that the students learn about in English one. The focus of students here is on the expansion of their informal and forma forms of the written expression. The students work through every step of t he process of writing starting from the pre-writing to the final drafts (Parkerson & Parkerson 126). They continue with their learning about grammar and expansion of their vocabulary knowledge. In terms of literature, we find that they continue focusing on enhancing their comprehension and understanding whereas recognizing plot and theme. In addition, they also review the use of literary devices by each and every author. They are expected relay information orally and then learn more concerning the techniques of correct research. Year 3 English three With this section, the students major particularly on the American literature. In most instances, this course can be integrated with the history of America successfully. They continue working on their informal and formal forms of the written

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Analysis Of The Legal Issues Pertaining To Cliffhanger Festival Essay

Analysis Of The Legal Issues Pertaining To Cliffhanger Festival - Essay Example The Cliffhanger festival is a major outdoor event that aims at attracting people from all over the world to come and join in the fun of its outdoor games and exhibitions. A cliffhanger is an annual event that is rotated across the UK and this year, it is being held in Sheffield between July 2nd and 4th. The festival is organized by Heason Events, Sheffield City Council, and Events Sheffield. Heason events are the primary event organizer. The partners include BKSA, British Military, International Federation of Sporting Councils, Jury’s Inn, Millhouse Works, Real Radio, and SYO. Sponsors include Decathlon, Climbing Works, Yorkshire Hotels and Hammer design. Music and camping services are rendered in partnership with Alpkit UK. The festival will be opened to members of the public and it primarily targets families. It will involve a series of outdoor events and camping as well as entertainment and fun. The main events include bike riding, bowling, training sessions, caves, climbin g, demonstrations by professional fitness trainers, golf, races, food and drink exhibitions, blood donations, swimming, music and amusement, camping and jumping. Most of the event will be held at Millhouse Park, Abbeydale, Sheffield which has 200 parks, woodlands, and gardens and is the greenest city in Britain. There will be an admission fee of  £6 for adults and  £1 for an accompanying person under 16 and free for an accompanying person under the age of 4. This shows the fact that the festival seeks to promote family participation.